Genre is useful because it enables people to know what film they would like to watch, it can also be used to advertise a film simply by stating the genre.
It has become easier to tell the difference between two genres just by looking at a poster, for example romance films and horror films have completely different colour schemes and lighting effects, e.g.
we can see that there is a big difference in appearance between these two film poster, for example there are a lot more shadows in the horror poster which creates mystery. Darker colours are also used due to the fact that the movie is dark. On the other hand, in the romantic movie, brighter colours are used which suggests the film is more light hearted with less mystery.
How useful is genre?
Genre is useful because it enables people to know what film they would like to watch, it can also be used to advertise a film simply by stating the genre.
It has become easier to tell the difference between two genres just by looking at a poster, for example romance films and horror films have completely different colour schemes and lighting effects, e.g.
we can see that there is a big difference in appearance between these two film poster, for example there are a lot more shadows in the horror poster which creates mystery. Darker colours are also used due to the fact that the movie is dark. On the other hand, in the romantic movie, brighter colours are used which ssuggeststhe film is more light hearted with less mystery.
Although the appearance of a film can give us an indication of what a films about, it can also be a hinderance on creativity, as films start to follow a pattern that is associated with the films genre, this can make films more predictable and less interesting.
These are a few examples of movies with very similar story lines. this show the difficulty there is when coming up with an original story line when making a film of a specific genre.
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